Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who Knew

Who knew after children my life would pass me by,
Who knew looking at old pictures would one day make me cry.

Who knew life was a freight train that had lost count of the miles,

Who knew I would look back on the year and not know what happened,

Who knew I would remember the tragedies and not the smiles.

I knew I would love this little being,
I knew her name but not who she would be.

I didn't know how this being would change me,
I didn't know all I would want to do is sing.

Lullabies and melodies flowing through my head,
Of all the thoughts and things I never said.

Who knew that someone so small could do so much.

Who knew my love for her would be so strong,
Who knew my life would suddenly burst into song.

Who knew.

My mother knew,
His mother knew.

And there is only one way for you
To be there one year later holding this baby, watching her sleep,
Hoping not to wake her as you weep.

I wrote this about Lilea, but it easily applies to both of my children.
Alicia Merwin

Friday, November 12, 2010

Loves Embrace - To Chris

Early to sleep
Early to rise

Now this morning to my beautiful babies cries

Oh, how I love this place for me and you
Now more than ever that it is plus two

Our family is the most wonderful thing
Even with all of the stress these little smiles bring

I love every moment, my precious time with you
My heart only grows fonder, you know this to be true

You are my loves embrace, your heart I will always chase

How I love you down to my core
You are my reason for being, I will only love you more.

Alicia Merwin

Friday, October 29, 2010

Muddy Mud Puddle

This is Alea, 11 months, she saw the mud puddle and went right for it. This one was just too good to keep to myself.

Talk soon.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh, Lilea

Thinking of titles is rather difficult, but I feel it really sets the tone for what I am going to say, so I find it rather important.
The other day when I was getting Lilea ready for her nap she asked if I would lie down with her, I told her I needed to do my chores so I could not.
She replied: "I can come too? Yeah, yeah" Nodding her head, this was rather cute.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hello Again.....................

So, I guess people actually read this thing. That is a surprise gift to me. Now, I have to think of some wicked new rhymes for ya. It is late, I am pretty sure Alea (Pictured Above, 11months) is trying to talk. I think mothers would be good for guessing what those EMF recordings (Ghost Hunting Device) are saying.
So here is a list of the things I think I have heard; Daddy, Illa, Nala, and of course......Momma. Well, I am extremely tired, and now my conscience is clear so I can get to sleep.

Talk soon.

Coming soon, pictures of goodies I have been baking........

Sunday, September 19, 2010

From Lilea.....

Me: "Lilea, how much do you weigh?"
Lilea: "Uuummmm, 100 pounds."

She really weight about 30lbs. I am not sure where she got this number from.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Christmas Shopping

If I am buying something for someone else, do I have to like it?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

As Seen

I bought the Windshield Wonder, and it works. It was easy to use and got the windshield nice and clean. The only thing is you have to keep the cloth moist or it drags on windshield. This is a product I would recommend.
Talk soon.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Lilea's Adlib's

We went to Charlie Safari in Lacey, WA, and on the way home Grandma mentioned she was tired. Lilea asked her...

"Want to sleep in my princess bed Grandma?"

Pictued Above: Lilea and Me.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Adlib By Lilea

We got a hot dog down at the Sand in the City today (Olympia, WA), and I took a bite and said:

"Oh, that is hot."

Lilea added:

"Just blow it off Momma."

Friday, August 27, 2010

Love It!

This is bed I found somewhere, and I just love it; I want a canopy bed. Oh luxury why are you so costly?

Froggie Friend

This is a little froggie we found today. I am not sure if it is the same little guy we usually find, but for some reason they like our front yard.

Talk soon.
Pictured above: Alea, 9 months.

Sewing, Sewing

My sister and I made a chicken from Anna Maria Horner's "Handmade Beginnings", there are many other pictures, but I thought theses were the highlights. We had a good time, and I would recommend the book. The directions were clear and easy to follow.
Talk soon.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Another Adlib

Lilea was eating little yogurt bites in her carseat...

Lilea " These are really good "
Mom " Can I have some? "
Lilea " Oh, they are no good " and makes a yucky face.

Talk soon.

Friday, August 20, 2010

4-H Auction

We went over to the Lewis County Fair, and had a good time. The food was good, the people were nice, the weather was great, and there were plenty of animals. Then; we dropped in on the 4-H auction. Like a sudden thunderstorm rolling in things took a drastic turn. A sweet looking girl brings her 200lb + hog out and is a composed as the other students, then she gives the sow a pet and begins to cry. Although we knew from the start what would happen, the situation changed drastically for me when I saw how attached this girl was to her pig. We left the auction, telling ourselves she was going to the farm to live out her years happily in the meadows and open fields. I honestly don't think I can eat any more pork now.
Talk soon.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Peanut buttery chocolate chunk,
Gotta get some flour and put it in my trunk.
Get on home and start a mixin’
Cause some cookies I am fixin’.
Now it is time to test the dough,
Come on; you know.
What a yummy treat
Now I cannot eat for a week.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

2 by 2

Here they come two by two
Looking sharp in their J. Crew
Trimmed and pressed
They are sharply dressed.
Oh, I love the pages of your magazine,
I want to be a part of your scene,
But, your prices are just too high,
$138 for Dream Chiffon I cannot justify.
Maybe some other time,
I can get the Crystalline Cardigan.
For now, until we meet again.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Dear Carolyn

I just had to share this, I found it some time ago, but I still like it.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Fishbone Braid

I braided my nieces hair and thought it turned out nice. For your viewing pleasure.
Talk soon.

Digi Perm

Okay, I got my hair done, and it was totally worth it! I am very pleased with the results. It took some time, and money, but the results are natural looking, and just what I was looking for in a 21st century perm.
I got there and she washed my hair, then generously applied a solution which sat for about an hour. Next, she put my hair in the curlers (they look small, but it ends up being three times bigger) then she plugged the machine in to the ends of the curlers. I was only hooked up for about ten minutes (it was pretty hot) then she unplugged the curlers and ran another solution over my hair. She removed the curlers, washed my hair, applied a very small amount of gel, and softly blew my hair dry.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


So, we were watching my sisters dog, Riley. Lilea looks at him when he laying down sleeping and says.....

"Oh, his pepe is hanging out. We need to put some pants on him."

Then she starts looking around for something for him to wear.

Talk soon.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Digital Perm

Okay, I have decided. I am going to get a digital perm, I am just tired of my straight plain hair. There is not very much information on the subject around the world wide web, so I will try to document my experience. My appointment is on saturday, so come back for pictues and my journal about my experience.

Talk soon.

Thursday, August 5, 2010


I was tickling Lilea and she said,
"Mom, I don't like it..."

Found a little froggie in the yard today. I am glad he escaped the blades of the lawn mower, he was a really little green guy, I don't know the exact kind. Next time I will think to get a picture for you.

Talk soon.

Pictured above: My sisters and I; Amber, Alicia (ME), Jenny, and Jessica

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sharing Is Caring

Another adlib for you.
I was taking a drink from Lilea's V8,

Lilea: "MOM, don't drink it all!"

This is our dog Nala, she is a mastiff mix, and she is a great pet. I feel very safe with her around, and she loves the kids.

Oh, Nala, tan all around.
You were there for me on that mound,
I rolled my ankle that fateful day
All we wanted to do was play.
Now I am all black and blue,
But you know I still love you.

Talk soon.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Adlib's Continued

Mom: Hey, close the fridge door.
Lilea: Oh, it will be alright.
Dad: Okay.

Of course, it is funnier when it comes unexpectedly. But, hopefully there will be one soon that sticks in my memory for ya.

Talk soon.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Little Rhyme

There once was a piggie,
He had no name,
There once was a piggie,
He lived down Edelberry Lane.
There was a girl,
Who lived down there,
She would always stop and stare.
One day Mr. Piggie,
I shall give you a name.

By Alicia
Sang it to my daughter one night, trying to get her to sleep.

Pictured above: Lilea, and my husband, Chris at Lakedale Resort; Friday Harbor, WA

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 1

As promised; an adlib a day keeps the blues away, just testing it out. Today Alea, the little one, took her first step. She went from the ottoman to the couch, one step without holding onto anything. Here it comes...
The big one, Lilea, said too many things too keep track of. There is one that is sticking in my head though.

"Mom, come back here!"

Friday, July 23, 2010


Here is my new idea, encouraged by my sister to blog more on my blog page. How about adlibs, the little girl is not talking yet, but the big one is. She says funny things all the time. Of course as life goes I cannot think of anything right now, but next time I will take not of her little thoughts amd post them for you.
Talk soon.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Back Home

Okay, we have been home for awhile; finally our time at the San Juan Islands. All of the pictures are above, so feel free to take a look. We had a great time camping, hiking, and even fishing. British Camp had some beautiful buildings remaining from the Pig War with a great garden. From there we hiked about two miles and got some great shots of the surrounding islands and Canada. Only one building stood on the American side, but there were some beautiful beaches.
The doctor we had to visit for my first daughter (coughing very hard and not breathing well) was very nice and informed us she would be just fine; run of the mill virus. Went whale watching and saw a nice family and two large males. (Orcas, Killer Whales)
While waiting for the ferry home we had some great fish and chips, and some homemade candy. Beautiful sunset on the way home and a peaceful end to a good trip.
My overall conclusion is Friday Harbor is a great and beautiful place to visit. Two days was plenty for me (I was developing a severe case of island fever), and I think it would be perfect for just about everyone. Check out the sights and get back on that ferry home.
Talk soon.

Pictured above: Lilea (2yrs) and Alea (8mnts) were having some free time in the grass.

Monday, July 5, 2010

First Attempt

We are going camping this week, up at Friday Harbor, WA. This place is really neat, tomorrow will be filled with roaming town and seeing what it has to offer. Camp is all set up now, and we are going to buy our first fishing poles. I will make sure to let you in on all the good eats and great shops. Talk soon.

Thursday, July 1, 2010


I just bought my first auction item. I thought I would give furniture flipping a shot, it is a nice sturdy table, $5. I am going to sand and paint, trying to have some fun while at it. When my new project gets to my house I will post a picture, before and after; my favorite saying! Talk soon.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Seaside, OR

We just got back from the beach. The weather was great, and we had an awesome time. We happened to be there on the same weekend a sandcastle tournament was taking place, which was very impressive. All in all we had a great weekend with some of the family, only wish everyone could have been there. I have uploaded many pictures for your viewing pleasure. Talk soon.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sibling Rivalry

Can sibling rivalry really start this early? I thought we had some more time, but I guess not. My advice, never underestimate a crawler, you may think she cannot go that far that fast; but oh yes, she can. Also, I didn't know my floors were that dirty. I had just mopped, but her little outfit says something different.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

$300 Worth

I went shopping today(with both kids)for some new summer clothes and spent just under $300. Here is my bounty; I got a pair of pricey sandals, two pairs of shorts, a new brassier and three shirts. The girls did remarkably well, considering how long we were there. There is no way I could have had a sucessful trip without Chris, my husband, shout out!! Shopping therapy is the best, you who live in the PNW know what I am talking about, no sun this summer. Talk soon.