Friday, October 29, 2010

Muddy Mud Puddle

This is Alea, 11 months, she saw the mud puddle and went right for it. This one was just too good to keep to myself.

Talk soon.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Oh, Lilea

Thinking of titles is rather difficult, but I feel it really sets the tone for what I am going to say, so I find it rather important.
The other day when I was getting Lilea ready for her nap she asked if I would lie down with her, I told her I needed to do my chores so I could not.
She replied: "I can come too? Yeah, yeah" Nodding her head, this was rather cute.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Hello Again.....................

So, I guess people actually read this thing. That is a surprise gift to me. Now, I have to think of some wicked new rhymes for ya. It is late, I am pretty sure Alea (Pictured Above, 11months) is trying to talk. I think mothers would be good for guessing what those EMF recordings (Ghost Hunting Device) are saying.
So here is a list of the things I think I have heard; Daddy, Illa, Nala, and of course......Momma. Well, I am extremely tired, and now my conscience is clear so I can get to sleep.

Talk soon.

Coming soon, pictures of goodies I have been baking........