Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Who Knew

Who knew after children my life would pass me by,
Who knew looking at old pictures would one day make me cry.

Who knew life was a freight train that had lost count of the miles,

Who knew I would look back on the year and not know what happened,

Who knew I would remember the tragedies and not the smiles.

I knew I would love this little being,
I knew her name but not who she would be.

I didn't know how this being would change me,
I didn't know all I would want to do is sing.

Lullabies and melodies flowing through my head,
Of all the thoughts and things I never said.

Who knew that someone so small could do so much.

Who knew my love for her would be so strong,
Who knew my life would suddenly burst into song.

Who knew.

My mother knew,
His mother knew.

And there is only one way for you
To be there one year later holding this baby, watching her sleep,
Hoping not to wake her as you weep.

I wrote this about Lilea, but it easily applies to both of my children.
Alicia Merwin

Friday, November 12, 2010

Loves Embrace - To Chris

Early to sleep
Early to rise

Now this morning to my beautiful babies cries

Oh, how I love this place for me and you
Now more than ever that it is plus two

Our family is the most wonderful thing
Even with all of the stress these little smiles bring

I love every moment, my precious time with you
My heart only grows fonder, you know this to be true

You are my loves embrace, your heart I will always chase

How I love you down to my core
You are my reason for being, I will only love you more.

Alicia Merwin